How can I clean my stomach in one day?
Fiber is
an essential macronutrient often overlooked in the diet. It’s found in whole, healthy plant foods like fruits, vegetables,
grains, nuts, seeds, and more. Plants contain cellulose and fibers that help
“bulk” up excess matter in the colon. They also regulate constipation and
overactive bowels, while boosting helpful bacteria as a prebiotic. Make
sure to eat plenty of high-fiber foods, which help a healthy colon. They
can also be great for gut bacteria, too. Resistant starches are similar to
fiber. They’re also found in plant foods like potatoes, rice, legumes, green
bananas, and grains. These promote a healthy colon by boosting gut
microflora. A 2013 review on resistant starches also found they
reduce colon cancer risk. There is a downside, though. Resistant starches are
found in carbohydrates. Still, low-carb dieters can choose options that cause
fewer blood sugar spikes. These include rice and waxy potatoes.
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